Press & Outreach
our work for a broader audience
are a good introduction
to us and our work, for a broader audience
- Asir Khan's new Science paper is highlighted by a Stanford News story (2025)
- Our IEDM paper led by Alex Gabourie is highlighted by Nature Electronics (2024)
- Alex Gabourie's paper on "Reduced thermal conductivity of supported and encased monolayer and bilayer MoS2" was among top 1% most-cited papers in IOP journals from 2021-23
- Katie Neilson wins a Best Student
Presenter Award at SRC TechCon 2024
- Koosha Nassiri Nazif and Alex Shearer are selected as Breakthrough Energy Fellows (2024)
- Eric Pop comments in a big 7-part article about the future of computing, by The Economist (2024)
- Eric Pop is interviewed for a Stanford Engineering story about upgrades to the Stanford Nanofab (2024)
- Robert Bennett received the "Best Best Student Presentation Award"
at the 2024 MRS Spring Meeting, Symposium EL05, for his talk titled "A
Method for Extracting 2D Semiconductor Mobility in Transistors with
Gate-Voltage-Dependent Contact Resistance"
- Crystal Nattoo was featured by nano@stanford for International
Women in Engineering Day (2024)
- Eric Pop was interviewed
by TVR (Televiziunea Romānă, the Romanian public TV) about
the group's research at Stanford; the article is in Romanian, and you
can watch Eric's awkward Romanian interview when it's available
- Xiangjin Wu and Asir Khan's new work on superlattice
materials for a 'universal' memory is described in a Stanford
School of Engineering news story (2024)
- Eric Pop comments in an article
in The Economist on the future of Moore's Law, the 2023 IEDM,
3D stacking, and 2D (TMD) transistors. In case the link is paywalled,
here is a PDF
of the article (2023)
- Asir Khan receives the Best Student Presentation
award at AVS 2023
- Asir Khan wins a Best Student
Presenter Award at TechCon 2023
- Eric Pop receives the 2023
Viskanta Fellowship
from Purdue University, "for independent and innovative research in the
field of thermal sciences". The title of the Viskanta Lecture was "Thermal
Transport in Layered Materials, Devices, and Systems"
- Asir Khan receives the AVS
Russell & Sigurd Varian Award for his work
on "novel materials for low-power memory and energy-efficient
nanoelectronics" (2023)
- Katie Neilson receives the Best
Lightning Talk award
at the SUPREME center's annual review, for her presentation "Improving
and Understanding 2D Material-Based P-Type Transistors" (2023)
- Xiangjin Wu receives a Best Poster Award at the
Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium (NVMTS 2022)
- Asir Khan receives the 2022 MRS Fall Meeting Gold
Student Award (2022)
- Eric Pop is elevated to APS
Fellow for "for
contributions to the physics of electrical and thermal transport in
one- and two-dimensional materials, and their applications to
transistors and data storage" (2022)
- Asir Khan receives the IEEE
EDS PhD Student Fellowship (2022)
- Michelle Chen and Connor Bailey win Best Student
Presenter awards at TechCon 2022
- Alwin Daus' work on flexible
temperature sensors is covered in a nice story by AZO
Nano (2022)
- Asir Khan's work wins Best
Student Paper Award at the VLSI Symposium
- This was paper
T4-1: "First Demonstration of Ge2Sb2Te5-Based
Superlattice Phase Change Memory with Low Reset Current Density (~3 MA/cm2) and Low Resistance Drift (~0.002 at 105 °C)"
- Update: Asir receives the award at the 2023 VLSI Symposium, here is the Stanford
EE news story
- Connor Bailey's presentation is selected as a Scientific
Highlight at the MRS Spring 2022 meeting
- Sanchit Deshmukh and Miguel Muñoz Rojo's paper in Science
Advances is highlighted in
an article (2022)
- Aditya Sood receives the MRS
Postdoctoral Award (2022)
- Crystal Nattoo is profiled in a spotlight
article by the Stanford School of Engineering (2022)
- Eric Pop receives the Intel 2021 Outstanding
Researcher Award for leading work on "Doping and Contacts for
Atomically Thin 2D Semiconductors" (2022)
- all the credit goes to Kirstin Schauble, Connor
McClellan, Aravindh
Kumar, Ryan Grady, Dr. Eilam Yalon, Kirby Smithe, Chris English and
other previous group members who contributed to this work
- the EE department also puts out a small
press release
- Aravindh Kumar's IEDM paper on alloyed In/Au contacts to MoS2
is covered by IEEE
Spectrum (2021)
- Koosha Nassiri Nazif's work
on flexible high-specific-power
solar cells is covered by (2021-22)
- the Stanford Report, IEEE
Spectrum, PV
Magazine, Forbes, MRS
Bulletin, and PhysicsWorld
- also in Interesting
Engineering, CleanTechnica,
TechXplore, All
about Circuits, 7Zine
(French), Basic
Thinking (German), Rinnovanili
(Italian), Revista
Nuve (Spanish)
- Crystal Nattoo is interviewed in a Stanford
Report article about underrepresented groups in STEM
- Eric Pop is elevated to IEEE
Fellow for "contributions to phase change memory, and to the
thermal science of nanomaterials and nanoscale transistors" (2021)
- Alwin Daus receives the AVS Nanoscale Science and
Technology Division (NSTD) Early
Career Award (2021)
- Asir Khan's paper on flexible phase-change
memory is covered in a Stanford/Precourt
press release (2021)
- very good IEEE Spectrum article: This
Memory Tech is Better when It's Bendy
- other good stories at Forbes,
C&EN (Flexible
Memory Uses Less Power) and at ScienceLine
- additional coverage from EE
Times, Physics
World, Ars
Technica, and tom'sHARDWARE,
and Stanford
- also picked up by EurekAlert!,
Hack Posts, NEWSBREAK,
Insider Voice, California18, sciencesprings,
Upgrade (in Italian), and
some social
media posts
- Eric Pop is quoted in a Wired
article about flexible Arm processors (2021)
- Alwin Daus' work on flexible
sub-100 nm transistors is covered in a Stanford
press release (2021)
- Our APL
paper on carbon nanotube thermoelectrics is covered in an AIP
press release (2021):
- Isha Datye wins one of the Best Paper Awards at the 2020
Virtual MRS Spring/Fall 2020 Meeting
- her talk was titled "Improving the Electrical Performance
of MoS2 Transistors Using Tensile Strain"
- Stephanie Bohaichuk is selected as one of the Rising
Stars 2020 at the UC Berkeley location of this workshop
- Alwin Daus and Koosha Nazif win best
poster award at the eWEAR symposium (2020)
- their poster was titled "Flexible Ultra-thin Electronics
and Solar Cells for Self-powered Wearable Systems"
- Connor McClellan and Connor Bailey win the best-poster
award at the annual JUMP-ASCENT
- their poster was titled "Towards BEOL Compatible 2D
Semiconductor Transistors"
- Sam Vaziri and Eilam Yalon's ultrathin
heat shield work is highlighted in a Stanford
press release (2019)
- Eric Pop is interviewed by the People Behind the Science
podcast (2019)
- Eric Pop participates in a Stanford Let's
Have an Awesome Time Doing Science Workshop (2019)
- Aditya Sood's ballistic
phonon study is highlighted in a story
by Physics World (2019)
- Connor McClellan is one of two SRC students selected for recognition
at the SEMI/ISS conference (2019)
- Eric Pop is named among the world's Highly Cited Researchers
for 2018 by Web of Science
- Aditya Sood's thermal
transistor paper is highlighted in a Stanford
press release (2018)
- Connor McClellan wins the Best
Presentation Award at the SRC TechCon Conference (2018)
- Stephanie Bohaichuk wins the Best
Poster Award at the Device Research Conference (2018)
- Michelle Chen wins the MRS
Spring 2018 Best Presentation Award in Symposium NM11 (2018)
- Eric Pop is quoted in a Chemistry World story about materials
beyond silicon (2018)
- Connor McClellan wins the Best Paper in
Session Award at the SRC TechCon Conference (2017)
- Michal's paper
on HfSe2 transistors with native HfO2
oxides is highlighted in a Stanford
press release (2017)
- Alex and Saurabh receive the Best
Conference Paper Award at the IEEE NANO 2017
- Kirby receives the First-Place
Student Presentation Prize at the EDISON'20 conference, for
his work titled "High-field transport and velocity saturation in CVD
monolayer MoS2" (2017)
- Eric Pop is quoted in a IEEE
Spectrum article about the most complex MoS2
microchip to date (2017)
- Eric Pop's invited talk at IEDM on the
limits of
phase-change memory technology (as led by Feng Xiong and Eilam Yalon)
is covered in a thoughtful blog
at EE Times (2017)
- Chris English's presentation of ~10 nm scale MoS2
transistors at IEDM is covered by IEEE
Spectrum (2016)
- Kirby Smithe's study of large-area synthetic monolayer MoS2
is highlighted in a Stanford
press release, including the infamous nano-Trump and
nano-Clinton images (2016)
- Group alumnus Feng Xiong joins
the ECE faculty at University of Pittsburgh (2016)
- Eric Pop is named on the Most
Cited Researchers List in Electrical Engineering by Elsevier
- Isha Datye and Alex Gabourie win Best
Poster Award at the Device Research Conference (2016)
- Ning Wang wins Best Paper in
Session Award at the SRC TechCon Conference (2016)
- Our N3XT collaboration on monolithic 3D electronics is
announced in a Stanford
press release (2015)
- Our collaboration with Prof. P. Wong on phase
change memory with graphene electrodes is highlighted (2015)
- Zuanyi Li wins the Chinese
government award for students studying abroad (2015)
- Our collaboration
with Prof. Lyding at UIUC is highlighted in a press release
- Kyle's work on mapping heating at graphene grain boundaries
is highlighted by nanotechweb
- Science magazine published an article about
PIs moving labs between Universities, featuring our group
- Chris English wins Best Paper in
Session Award at the SRC TechCon Conference (2014)
- Feng's Gold
Graduate Student Award at MRS-2014 is highlighted in a
press release at UIUC (2014)
- Our collaboration on nanosoldering carbon nanotube
junctions is highlighted in a UIUC
press release (2013)
- Enrique and Ashkan's graphene oscillators with Poli Milano
are highlighted by nanotechweb
- Maryann Tung receives an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2013)
- Ashkan, Josh and Chris' collaboration
on nanowire growth on graphene is in a UIUC
press article (2013)
- Andrey Serov's work
on graphene grain boundaries is highlighted by nanotechweb
- Josh, David and Zhun-Yong's work on
graphene grain boundaries in a Beckman
news story (2013)
- Josh Wood receives Silver Prize at 2012
TSMC outstanding student research awards (2012)
- An Economist
article (2012) highlights our phase-change memory work from 2011.
- Ashkan Behnam and Austin Lyons' graphene nanoribbon
interconnect study is highlighted by nanotechweb
- the story is also featured in the "Best of
2012" collection of articles on
- Feng Xiong wins Mavis
Future Faculty Fellowship (MF3) and Yee Memorial Fund
Fellowship (2012)
- Ashkan Behnam and Enrique Carrion's graphene
inverter collaboration with Politecnico di Milano Como (Roman
Sordan group) is highlighted (2012):
- Eric Pop comments in an Ars
Technica article about sub-nanosecond phase-change memory
- Eric Pop comments in an IEEE
Spectrum article on silicon-based memristive devices (2012)
- Josh Wood wins Beckman
Graduate Fellowship (2012)
- Dave Estrada's recent work on graphene sensors is
highlighted (2012):
- Feng Xiong receives Gold Prize at 2011 TSMC
outstanding student research awards (2011)
- ECE department news
story, also highligthing Feng's TECHCON (2011)
best-in-session award
- Josh Wood's Nano
Letters article on graphene growth in a University
press-release (2011)
- Eric Pop gives
an interview on his recent appointment as Fellow of the
Center for Advanced Study (2011)
- Eric Pop is interviewed by investment website Seeking
Alpha (2011)
- Albert Liao gives
an interview on his work at TECHCON 2011
- Eric Pop comments in a Technology
Review article on memory work from IBM (2011)
- Eric Pop comments in an IEEE
Spectrum article on memory work similar to ours
- Feng Xiong wins Beckman
Graduate Fellowship (2011)
- Eric Pop is interviewed in a technology article for
the Christian
Science Monitor (2011)
- Kyle Grosse's measurement
of graphene contact thermoelectrics in a University
press-release (2011)
- David Estrada frying
eggs on a CPU at the Boys and Girls Club, on local TV station
WCIA News (2011)
- Feng Xiong's Science magazine
article on ultra-low
power memory in a UIUC press-release
- Austin Lyons' conference presentation in Spain highlighted
in local newspaper (2011)
- David Estrada's three
recent awards are featured on the ECE web site (2011)
- Myung-Ho Bae's article
is selected as the cover
page of Nano Letters, Dec 2010 issue
- Creating
a carbon-based electronics future (Beckman News article on
research in our lab, 2010)
- Eric Pop receives Presidential
Early Career (PECASE) award from the White House (2010)
- Albert Liao receives 2010
TSMC outstanding student research award (2010)
- Eric Pop receives Office
of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator award (2010)
- Eric Pop receives NSF
CAREER award (2010)
- David Estrada's article
is highlighted: Are DC
measurements of nanotubes trustworthy? (2010)
- Eric Pop receives Air
Force (AFOSR) Young Investigator Program (YIP) award
- Albert Liao receives NRI
Hans J. Coufal fellowship (2009)
- Sumit Dutta receives
NASA fellowship (2009)
- Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) interviews
Eric Pop (2009)
- Albert Liao's article
is highlighted: nanotube
avalanche doubles current (2009)
- Eric Pop receives DARPA
Young Faculty Award (2008)
- Eric Pop's article
is highlighted: Caution
about nanotube contacts (2008)
- Eric Pop & Prof. Ken Goodson: Engineers
take the temperature of new transistor designs (2006)
- Eric Pop's article
is highlighted: Measuring
nanotubes' conductivity (2005)
updated Mar 2025