What's the Mobility? (on nanoHub): A simple Excel spreadsheet for quick effective mobility estimates from published I-V transistor data in the linear regime. The user needs to read ID, VT, VGS and VDS from the I-V, plus transistor length, insulator thickness and dielectric constant. The spreadsheet gives the effective mobility, the average charge density, sheet resistance, and a few other things. The user should do sensitivity analysis on RC and VT. Additional tips and an example are given inside the file. If using this, please cite the nanoHUB resource.
Stanford 2D Semiconductor (S2DS) Model (on nanoHub): Simulates 2D transistors and circuits in SPICE. Verilog-A physics-based compact model solves electrical transport coupled with thermal effects, fringe & quantum capacitance, contact resistance, traps & impurities, high-field velocity saturation. A manual is provided at the nanoHUB page with sample circuits and experimental data for comparison. If using this code, please cite Pop Lab publication #118 by S. Suryavanshi & E. Pop, J. Appl. Phys. 120, 011009 (2016).
GFET Tool (on nanoHub): Calculates current-voltage (I-V) curves for graphene transistors, including self-heating and high-field velocity saturation. Versions of this code have been used in Pop Lab publications #34, 40 and 46. Usage instructions are provided on the nanoHUB page. If using this code, please cite Pop Lab publication #46 by M.-H. Bae et al, ACS Nano 5, 7936 (2011).
nanoJoule (on nanoHub): Calculates current-voltage (I-V) curves for metallic single-wall carbon nanotubes, including self-heating and thermal breakdown. Versions of this code have been used in Pop Lab publications #3-5, 12 and 18. A manual is provided on the nanoHUB page. If using this code, please cite Pop Lab publication #12 by E. Pop et al, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 093710 (2007).
CNTmob (on nanoHub): Calculates mobility of semiconducting carbon nanotubes at various charge densities and temperatures. Includes phonon scattering, multiple sub-bands, Pauli blocking, and diameter variation. If using this code, please cite Pop Lab publication #22 by Y. Zhao et al, IEEE Elec. Dev. Lett. 30, 1078 (2009).